Keep the dream alive

The George & Dragon: A Beacon for Memories and Reunions 🇿🇼

As the proud owner of the George & Dragon pub, I've been privileged to witness countless stories unfold within its walls. But there's one narrative that holds a special place in my heart: the G&D as a haven for reunions of old Zimbabwean and South African friends and family.

It's no secret that many from Zimbabwe and South Africa have experienced turbulent times. Political unrest and upheavals have forced many of us to leave behind our homes, the places where our memories were made, where our children took their first steps, and where we celebrated life's milestones.

Yet, amidst the challenges, there's a silver lining. The George & Dragon has become more than just a pub—it's a sanctuary where scattered friends and families come together, reuniting under one roof. It's a place where laughter rings out, where old stories are retold with fondness, and where new memories are crafted.

Every reunion that takes place here is a testament to the resilience and strength of our community. The joy of seeing familiar faces, of sharing stories from back home, and of reminiscing about old times—it's something truly magical. Each hug, each shared meal, bottle popped and each song sung reminds us of the bonds that can never be broken, no matter the distance or time that separates us.

To all our Zimbabwean and South African patrons, and to everyone who has found a home within the George & Dragon, thank you.

Your stories, your laughter, and your presence have made the G&D more than just a pub—it's a beacon of hope, memories, and unbreakable bonds.


Great Pub!